Plasma Studio aims for an architecture that houses and reflects life. Forms and spaces that inspire, engage, and connect. A measured, intelligent approach to sustainable development and inclusive social models.

BUS STOP! Corporate design has been featured on The Plan website.

The project explores current themes such as the relationship with the landscape, sustainable tourism, and environmental sustainability—elements that make this realization particularly relevant in a context of growing attention to ecological practices and respect for the territory.

Click here to read the full article.


On February 4th, the Plasma Studio team visited Grado (IT) to check on the progress of the construction site of the Hotel Savoy facade project.

After the visit, the team enjoyed a pleasant walk around Grado, followed by a relaxing aperitivo on the beach, that gave the chance to discover the unique textures of the winter sea.

The visit ended with a lunch where the team tested the local flavors with a nice seafood meal.

In conjunction with the Klimahaus Congress 2025 in Bolzano, where she was invited as a top speaker, Ulla Hell, partner at Plasma Studio, gave an interview to Simona Golfarelli, published in the latest issue of the magazine Rapporto Costruzioni.

Ulla discussed the latest trends in contemporary alpine architecture and shared insights into Plasma Studio’s current projects, focusing on how architecture can address environmental challenges while blending with the mountain landscape.



We are pleased to inform that Plasma Studio`s partner Ulla Hell was present as a top speaker at the Klimahouse 2025 Congress at Fiera Bolzano (IT),  participating in the conference “Transforming Spaces, Changing Lives, Shaping the Future.”

The event focused on the role of urban regeneration in renewing communities and creating sustainable, inclusive spaces.

Ulla's lecture, titled "Appropriate," presented some of Plasma Studio's recent projects in the Hoch Pustertal alpine region, highlighting the studio's approach to creating spaces that foster community, sustainability, and a positive impact on the environment.

After the first three editions (2006, 2012, 2018), Kunst Meran Merano Arte presents a fourth exhibition documenting the architectural developments in South Tyrol.
The selection, made by an international jury composed of curator Filippo Bricolo , arch. Elisa Valero Ramos, and arch. Annette Spiro , offers a comprehensive overview of 24 years of South Tyrolean architecture, from 2000 to the present.

Plasma Studio is included in the selection with the project  Appropriate - Bistro Bergsteiger.

The publication is complemented by an exhibition at Kunst Merano Arte, open until 16.02.2025.
The finissage will be on 15.02.2025 at 11.00.


Supermostra ´24 is set to unveil its next chapter in Monza

The exhibition is part of a wider itinerant event, that highlights the latest developments in the national Italian architectural scene, curated by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and Ilaria Olivieri.

Plasma Studio will take part in the event with the project  Strata-Paramount Alma-Continuous Extension.

The exhibition will be open from 13.01.2025 to 03.02.2025 at  Spazio Eventi via Manzoni 16 in Monza.

The opening conference will be on Monday, January 20th at 18.00.


Plasma Studio will take part to the exhibition "Oblique: The Genesis of the Project" organized by the Südtiroler Künstlerbund, with the project for the renovation of the facades of the Hotel Savoy in Grado (GO).

15 architecture offices will offer an exclusive insight into the creative process: from sketches on paper to conceptual models, all the way to the thoughts that shape architectural works.

The exhibition will be open from 13.12.2024 to 01.02.2025 at SKB Artes space in Bolzano.

The Opening event on Friday, December 13th at 18:30.

Just a few days left until the Architects meet in Lecce, the international conference that brings together hundreds of architects from all over Italy and abroad every year. For this thirteenth edition—organized in collaboration with the Order of Architects P.P.C. of Lecce—the chosen theme is HyperRegionalism, materiality and immateriality in Architecture.

This theme serves as a pretext to explore the shift from soulless architecture, the same everywhere, to the creation of spaces deeply rooted in their territory and easily recognizable.

In addition to the conferences, two exhibitions will be inaugurated:

- HyperRegionalism, at the Chiesa Santa Maria di Ogni Bene, showcases over 100 innovative projects by Italian architecture firms.

- Supermostra 24, at the Biblioteca Bernardini - Convitto Palmieri, curated by Ilaria Olivieri and Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, is an observatory and traveling exhibition that, through the work of 33 architects and designers, aims to explore the most interesting developments in architecture across the various regional areas of Italy.

Plasma Studio is honored to be present with its project the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger at the HyperRegionalism exhibition and with the project Strata - Paramount Alma - Continuous Extension at the Supermostra 24.

Click here for a  program and details of the conference.

Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger was selected  through an open call to be presented in the „Osservatorio Permanente dell’Architettura Italiana“ of IoArch, curated by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi.

The title of this year is HYPERREGIONALISM.

HyperRegionalism aims to identify projects rooted in their location and constructions where materials play a central role, recovering fragments of pre-existing structures that are as extensive and significant as possible. This approach seeks to create a new architecture enriched by the complexity of layering and the reuse of materials from the past. At the same time, it strives to avoid rhetoric and the vernacular, with the understanding that new constructions must meet high standards of comfort and energy efficiency, seeking a balance between different technologies, from the most ancient to the most innovative.

The selected projects were presented in a dialogue between Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and the architects at Cersaie in Bologna.

Starting in October, Plasma Studio will be sharing the space at Oberragen 12 in Bruneck/Brunico, Italy with Giulia Neri and Andrea Ucini. Illustration and architecture will inspire and enrich each other in our gallery.



And since we love celebrating every joyful occasion, we warmly invite you to join us for a toast on Friday, October 4th, at 6:00 PM – of course, with music and a good glass of wine.

Architects build houses that become part of our world – they create places to which we return every day, every year, throughout our lives. Lines become spaces, and these spaces offer us protection but can also grant us freedom
Illustrators draw a world to which we can belong for a moment.
Both create places where one can feel free.
This is what connects us, and this is what sets us apart.
Places inhabited by the body and places that belong to the imagination.


The international tour of the Dedalo Minosse Traveling Exhibition continues.
During the prestigious Detroit Design Month, on September 3, 2024, at 9:00 AM (U.S. time), the international stop of the Dedalo Minosse International Exhibition will be inaugurated in Detroit, at the University of Detroit Mercy + School of Architecture + Community Development.

Plasma Studio's project the Appropriate_ Bistro Bergsteiger,  which received a special mention at the XII edition of the Dedalo Minosse Prize, will be featured in  the exhibition.

The exhibition will be open from September 3 to 6, 2024. Click here for details.


Biwak 12 has been featured in the Hospitality. Reisen. Genuss. Erlebnis edition 1:100 by Deutscher Architektur Verlag.

Hotels, holiday apartments, spas, restaurants, bars and cafés are not only places of personal well-being and leisure activities, but also places of gathering and cultural exchange.

This german edition presents 41 outstanding projects that show how architecture and interior design shape these important spaces. The projects presented demonstrate how innovative architecture and holistic interior design create functional and at the same time lively spaces that have a lasting impact on the travel and enjoyment experience.

Click here for details.

LIVING COMMUNITY: this is the title chosen for the event which from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th July will transform the town of Vione into a stage for mountain architecture and design, and into an observatory on the possible transformations for Alpine communities.

Biwak 12 project is part of the exhibition "Minimal Architecture in the Alps" which will feature the projects of the Intenational Architecture Award in the Corte Giunónch location.

This and other exhibitions of the initiative will be open for visits until September 8th, 2024.

For more details: click here.

The third and final event is coming up for the traveling exhibition “New Normalities”  that has toured in Italy in three stages, from north to south: after Schio and Rome, it lands at the Chiaramontano Castle in Favara.

Named “Spaces, Architecture, and People,” the exhibition seeks to delve into the profound transformations affecting both public and private spaces in Italy, showcased through recent projects.

The exhibition's primary aim is to emphasize the interaction between designed spaces and their often informal usage by individuals.

Addressing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the rise of digitalization, shifts in family structures, and the aging population, the exhibition will explore new models of space utilization, centering the focus on people.

The “New Normalities” exhibition will be open at Chiaramonte Castle until June 30th.


Holger Kehne, partner of Plasma Studio, has been invited as a key note speaker at the Cyprus International University – 8th International Design Fest and gave lecture titled  "Architecture as Mediation". The event theme has been determined as "TRANSCEND_Go Beyond the Ordinary Limits".

Holger Kehne framed Plasma Studio’s work in relation to current global challenges such as increasing virtualisation and generic conditions.

Architecture needs to mediate between activating and engaging its users, reflecting instabilities and change and at the same time become a locally specific and inclusive anchor for the community.

The second edition of the New Normality exhibition cycle, which aims to put people and the use of space at the center of design reflection, has opened on May 3rd at the Spazio Shed in Schio, Vicenza,

where it will continue until May 12th before moving to Rome ( at the end of May) and subsequently to Sicily, at the Farm Cultural Park in Favara.

Organized by the Italian Architecture and Criticism Association (Aiac), chaired by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, the exhibition is set up on large tables that host around a hundred notebooks, each illustrating a project created by one of the participating architecture firms.

Plasma Studio is part of the exhibition with its project The Schäfer Roofscape.

For more details: press here

The Italian Cultural Institute in collaboration with the University of New York in Tirana has presented the Supermostra Albania/Italia 2024, which has been innaugurated in Tirana on April 29, 2024 aiming to promote an ideal twinning between Albanian and Italian designers. Curated by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and Ilaria Olivieri. From here, the exhibitions continue together on their tour before returning to Italy.

The Supermostra Albania, like other editions of the Supermostra, stands out for its limitless nature. Its distinctive feature is the curiosity that drives exploration without obstacles or prejudices, seeking to identify what is brewing beneath the architectural surface.

With particular attention to the inclusion of emerging talents and the enhancement of female presence, the ultimate goal is to create an observatory capable of anticipating the near future in the field of architecture.

Plasma Studio is proud to be part of this initiative with its project Strata - Paramount Alma - Continuous Extension.

"Revitalizing spaces inspired by the plant "that lives forever"

One of the latest projects of Plasma Studio, Semprevivum, has been published on the website of the online magazine Arkitectureonweb.

Semprevivum is an interior design project aimed at creating a harmonious spatial effect that promotes holistic treatments and dispels the impression of sterility often associated with conventional medical premises.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke

Read the full article here

Supermostra'24 is a continuously updated observatory on young talents in contemporary architecture. Curated by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and Ilaria Olivieri, it´s not a one-time event but a series of activities that will unfold for at least a decade and across various media. From Rome, hosted in the spaces of the Casa dell'Architettura, the journey of Supermostra24 has begun.

After Rome, indeed, it will head to Tirana (April 29th), Messina, Torino, Camerino, Benevento, Sassari, Monza and Palermo (dates to be defined).

In its second edition, Supermostra expands its geographical reach, involving over 30 studios, with a significant female presence.

Plasma Studio is delighted to be part of this year´s selection with its project Strata-Paramount Alma – Continuous Extension.

A beautiful catalogue of the Supermostra´24 has been published by the Lettera Ventidue and is available  here.

Plasma Studio is honored to share that the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been published in the Yearbook N.7 of the CNAPPC (National Council of architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators) as part of the selection of Italian architects who participated in the 2022 edition of the Italian Architect and Young Architectural Talent Prize.

“The importance of these Awards – said Francesco Miceli, President of the CNAPPC – is to shed light on the role that Italian PPC Architects can play in society and on the contribution they intend to offer for the future of the city and the protection and defense of the territory in a collaborative relationship with local and national institutions, with the civil, cultural and economic community".

BIWAK 12 has been featured in HOME Italia N.30.

A  project of conversion, guided by the inspiration of the microcosm of the high mountain shelters, aspires to evolve into a communal hub for both the local residents and visitors of Sesto/Sexten , a small alpine village in the Dolomites.

Special thanks: Laura Ragazzola

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei

Click here to read the full digital version of the issue:

Biwak 12 has been published on the Archello website.

The project features the blend of upcycling principles, integration of historical elements, and thematic spaces, approaching to both aesthetics and functionality.

Explore the full Archello article here.



The building for the Messner Mountain Heritage is a repurposing and revitalization of an old cable car mountain station from the 1980s into an exhibition space, located on the mountain Helm in Sexten (I), at 2000m above sea level.



It is a site heavily influenced by ski operations and hiking tourism, situated in a prime panoramic location with views of the Dolomites.

Instead of undertaking an expensive demolition of the aesthetically significant technical building, the idea of a future new use as an institute and exhibition space dedicated to the traditional alpinism.

Photo credit: Harald Wisthaler

Renders: Atelier Crilo

Holger Kehne, PhD and founding partner of Plasma Studio, gave a lecture titled "Inflections - across spatial, formal and contextual registers" at the International Lectures: URBAN OPEN SPACES:

small and interconnected. Keywords to address future urban challenges? - at Universitá degli studi della Campagna "Luigi Vanvitelli", Architecture and Industrial design Department. The scintific event aimed to discuss the most effective strategies for open spaces to play an increasingly straregic role in the continuing challenges our cities are undergoing.


Plasma Studio has been honoured to be among speakers at the INTEBOLD festival - the largest event of interior design and architecture in Slovakia which took place 20-21/10/23 in Bratislava.

Plasma´s architect Peter Pichler gave a lecture about the Appropriateness_interior design deriving from architectural concepts in regional contexts.

For more info on the festival: click here

The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been featured at Pendulum Magazine website, being defined as "the epitome of alpine luxury and refined design".

Click here to read the full article.

Plasma Studio is proud and excited to be featured in the latest issue of the Turris Babel magazine N.129 EXTRA LARGE XL by the Architekturstiftung Südtirol with its project for the design competiotion for a new Sports and Recreational Park in Brixen (BZ).

Aimed at the construction of a new ice rink, a tennis club and other sports facilities, the proposal of Plasma Studio, in collaboration with M7 Architecture + Design gained a 2nd prize.

Clicke here for a digital preview of the issue.

Plasma Studio has been included to the list of 25 best architecture firms in Italy by Archello architecture portal - thank you! 

The list is "...a selection of 25 architectural firms that have continued to retain the essence of Italian architecture".  

Click here  to see the full article.


BIWAK 12 has been published on ELLE DECOR website: 


"Biwak 12 was born from the ashes of an old 80s hotel and tells the microcosm of the bivouac."

Read the full article here.

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei, Andrea Bellentani


Always with great pleasure, Plasma Studio announces that BIWAK 12 project became a Grand Prix winner of the BIG SEE award in the category HOSPITALITY/ INTERIOR.

The overriding concept behind the design is the  theme of the alpine shelter, bivouac.


Together with that, Plasma Studio focused on reuse of materials, reorganizing of spaces and reassembling of chromatic scenario.

Check here for more details.

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei


BIWAK 12 has been published at DESIGNBOOM  website.

The concept of the project has been inspired by the mountain world and specifically, by the red alpine hut at the foot of the Croda dei Toni / Cima 12 - a central element of the mountain panorama in the Sexten Dolomites.

Click here to read the full feature.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke, Michael Pezzei

The latest project of Plasma Studio - BIWAK 12 - has been featured at THE PLAN magazine website.

The project follows the concept of REUSE and UPCYCLE both in materiality and in space organization: the original tyrolean "stube" has remained intact and the vaulted roof has been recovered and integrated into the new environment.

Click here to read the full article.



Photo credit: Michael Pezzei


The current issue of the ENECS - NEW ARCHITECTURE JOURNAl  features the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger.

Ulla Hell comments :

"The term sustainability is on everyone’s lips – as architects, we bear responsibility in this sense: design decisions in terms of materiality, form, size, use, flexibility, orientation, social embedding … ideally allow a built environment to emerge that contributes to being able to live and experience the future in a positive way."

Cleck here to check the online feature as well.


Plasma Studio  has been listed among the  30 Best Architecture Firms in Italy by Architizer. The ranking has been created according to key statistics that demonstrate each firm’s level of architectural excellence.

Two projects of Plasma Studio have been  the A+Award winners in different years: the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger (2021) and the Dolomitenblick (2013).

Click here to discover a complete selection.


An article covering the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been published at the Global Design News website - a project-based online publication that showcases the latest in the best new buildings, building elements, interiors, landscape architecture, urban planning and more. 

Click here to read the full text.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke.

RE_ACTION | RELOADED is an installation and exhibition which has been initially presented at Südtiroler Künstlerbund in Bolzano and which has been now revived inside Paramount Alma - a hybrid hospitality structure projected by Plasma Studio and home to its Italian office.

With this installation Plasma Studio creates a modified spatial experience in the exhisting structure, implied by reaction through the interaction of surfaces and bodies.

The opening event will take place on 13.01.2023 at 18.00, and the exhibition will be running until 30.10.2023.

Come to say hello!


Plasma Studio has been proud to receive a special mention plate of the 18th Oderzo Architecture Prize for its project The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger.

One of the aims of the prize is to promote the enhancement of works and infrastractures - built in the Triveneto region - respectful of the historical and natural heritage.

Together with the celebartive plate, a beautiful volume of "La Divina Commedia" of Dante Alighieri illustrated by Alberto Martini has been gifted.

Special thanks to the PAO XVIII Jury!

The Continuous Extension hospitality project has been featured in the 10th edition of the Hotel Domani magazine.

An article by Francesca Oddo covers the history of creation of the project and ideas behind it, presenting the hybrid structure of Continuous Extension   in its  function as a holiday house for architecture lovers in the Dolomites.


To know more about hospitality side of t the project: click here

On Friday, October 16th  the award ceremony for the Dedalo Minosse prize took place at the Teatro Olimpionico in Vicenza, Italy. The aim of the award is to promote the relationship between the client and the architect. 

Plasma Studio is proud to announce that The Appropriate_ Bistro Bergsteiger project has received a special mention from the jury and has been included in the exhibition catalogue.




All the awarded and selected projects will remain on display at the Basilica Palladiana, in Vicenza, until 2 October 2022. Click here for details. 


Holger Kehne completed his PhD “Mediation and Affect. Fundamentals of an expansive architecture. “ at RMIT’s School of Design’s renown practice-based research program. 

This model for the architectural practice-based PhD has been developed through RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), spearheaded by Professor Leon van Schaik in 1986, and facilitated through twice-yearly symposia held in Melbourne, Vietnam, and Ghent/Barcelona. 

The 4-year process enabled a fundamental gauging, contextualisation and critique of Plasma Studio’s oeuvre within the discipline, extracting core qualities while pointing towards new directions for future practice. 

By analysing the work of Plasma Studio beneath its formal alignments with ‘digital intricacy’ and ‘indexical systems’, dialectically extending it through the production of new formal devices, Holger Kehne discovered a range of cognitive registers that extend the experience of architecture from functional, normative use towards affective encounters. This contributes to a shift in perspective and understanding of architecture as systemic practice, mediating across current taxonomies and styles.



House L has been published on the Arkitectureonweb portal in English, Italian and spanish versions. 

Click here for the full article.

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei


The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has​​​​​​ been published in the latest newsletter of the AIT magazine, featuring the summer version of the project located in the middle of the UNESCO Natural Heritage site of the Sexten Dolomites - home to Plasma Studio's Italian office as well.

Check the full article here.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke






SAVE THE DATE!  July 5th, 2022 at 17-05  Ulla Hell will be a speaker on a web-seminar organized by  THE PLAN -Architecture Magazine,  dedicated to Sustainable Single-family Houses, part of the seminar series on the Role of Architecture for a better Society. 

Given the topic, the focus of the speech will be on the House L project, published in the issue N.124 of The Plan magazine, developing then a broader discussion within the theme.

Click here  to see  the full schedule of speakers,  for details & free registration.

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei 


News from Vienna : Peter Pichler, who's been collaborating with Plasma Studio  for over 15 years and being it's ambassador in Austria, has just moved into a new studio space in Vienna -  a small gallery space LOKAL:

1050 Vienna, Margartenstraße 134

Currently the space hosts an exhibition by Jörg Zemmler.  If you are in Vienna - please, pass by!

We keep you updated what happens there/here!




Ulla Hell commented on the topic of Diversity in design in the latest edition of the  IFI D2D – Design to Designers magazine.

The issue  is focused on the word Diversity, desiring to realize its depth and representative value.

Browse the full magazine version here.

Foto credit: Alex Filz, Florian Jaenicke


Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke (center), Branka Keser (left and right).


Ulla Hell has participated in the Big Architecture Festival 2022 in Ljubljana and was proud to receive the award trophy for the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger - the winner in the category “Commercial and public architecture 2021”.



After a long period of online reality, the event was a great opportunity to reconnect with  architecture professionals from all over the world and to receive a boost of inspiration during the festival.

To see all the winners of 2021 click here.




The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger in its summer version has been published at the Worl Architecture News website - a platform which showcases the best projects and practices across the globe, providing  inspiration and practical insights into architecture and interior design. 

Click here to check the article. 

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke

Ulla Hell & Eva Castro have been speakers in the webinar Italiche: Women’s Perspective on Urban Regeneration, presented on the occasion of the 6th edition of Italian Design Day in the United States organised by the Embassy of Italy and Istituto Italiano di Cultura Washington,


in cooperation with the Italy Center of Jefferson University.

The live webinar and panel discussion have been focusing on a woman's perspective as a game-changing agent with regar​​​d to current city regeneration trends.

Click here to watch the full recording of the webinar streamed live on March 23, 2022.

Remarks: Mariangela Zappia (Ambassador of Italy to the United States), Fabio Finotti (Director, Italian Cultural Institute in Washington, DC), Ignazio Marino (Executive Director, Jefferson Italy Center), Alessandro Melis (Architect, Testimonial)

Panelists: Paola Navone (Italian Design Day Ambassador), Francesca Perani (RebelArchitette), Maria Perbellini (New York Institute of Technology), Eva Castro (Singapore University / Plasma Studio), Ulla Hell ( Plasma Studio), Silvia Barbero (Politecnico di Torino)

Moderated by Barbara Klinkhammer, Dean of Jefferson University

Beautiful edition published by MONACELLI features the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger among the winners of the A+ AWARDS 2021. 

"What do the winners tell us about contemporary architecture in 2021? Perhaps the most unifying quality of the projects featured in this book is a sense of hightened awareness about our changing world...As the global population reckons with the monumental challenges of climate change and urbanization, architects must design with equal parts innovation and diligence, delivering projects that are sensitive to their surroundings at every scale."

You can order your copy of the publication here

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke





The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been published on the Arketipo Magazine website.

In the article by Antonia Solari, Ulla Hell commented some of the challenges and special requests in the project. 

Read the full text here (in italian language) .




The Sunken Garden  has been published in the Turris Babel magazine, #124 edition, as part of the selection of international projects realized by architecture studios based in South Tyrol. Sunken Garden is the winning project of an invited competition and forms part of the Beijing Garden Expo. 

Based on the concepts of the traditional Suzhou gardens, the project offers a multifaceted experience, where the levels within the volumes are designed in such a way that visitors can  experince the tree-dimensionality of the park. 

Special thanks to: Alberto WInterle & Architecture Foundation South Tyrol.


An article describing the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger through the eyes of the visitor  has been published at the ELLE Decor website. 



"Magical charm of a snow covered postcard" - that's an impression that the author Elisa Zagaria perceived from the project,   located in the midst of the Unesco Natural Heritage area  of the Dolomites of Sesto, in a position used as a tourist hotspot.




Click here for the full article.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke

Eva Castro is among 132 high profile design experts from over 20 countries to make up  iF Design Award 2022 panel .



The jury’s task is to provide all participants with the most in-depth feedback possible on the quality of their submission.

A geographic and cultural mix makes for more interesting discussions among the jury and helps avoid unconscious cultural biases.

Click here for more.




Ulla Hell has been invited to Heinze Architektur architectural radio podcast to speak about foundation and projects of Plasma Studio  and to participate in discussion on South Tyrolean building culture.

Click here to listen to its full version (in German language).



The KURIER online edition has published the Appropriate Bistro Bergsteiger. 


The article  gives tribute to the  legends of local mountaineering - Michl and Sepp Innerkofler,  and  to the UNESCO Heritage region of the Sexten Dolomites.



Click here for the full article.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke

House L has been featured in the "Bungalow Design" edition, which gathers the projects from all over the world that interpret  a modern bungalow definition as "one-or one-and-a-half-story detached single- family house, which usually takes up the spatial solutions of apartment floor plans".




Thank You for the inclusion!
Chris van Uffelen
Braun Publishing

Ulla Hell has participated in the premiere of the IDM virtual event Alpine Views - Architecture and Innovation from South Tyrol. Through the foundation of Plasma Studio in  London, it's international network and  the choice to establish the Italian Office in the mountain village of Sexten (BZ), Ulla speaks about  the process behind some of the Plasma Studio's projects in South Tyrol and the escellence of craftsmanship of the local artisans.

Discover the full talk here and presentations of other participants here.


An article published in the FF BAUEN magazine brings its readers on a diving trip: the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger is compared to a "submarine that emerges from the Arctic Ocean".



An article is completed with an interview with Plasma Studio’s partner Ulla Hell, who explains the project from the point of view of respect to the context and to the landscape.






Read the full edition of the magazine in its digital version here.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke


House L is a selected project in the publication dedicated to the XVII edition of the Oderzo Architecture Prize with the following statement:


“The intervention adopts a skilful interweaving of geometries with a simple and effective result”.


An award ceremony, which took place in Venice on November 18th, 2021 became a moment of extended reflection on the long history of the Prize and the activities carried out by it with the aim of conducting an investigation on the state of architecture in our territory.

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei

The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been announced as a winner  of the 6th annual Architecture MasterPrize, in the "small architecture" category.

AMP is a global architecture award that recognizes design excellence and  celebrates creativity and innovation in the disciplines of architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture with the goal of advancing the appreciation of architecture worldwide.


Check out our project and discover the winners in all categories here.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke


The edition N.26 of HOME Italia magazine published  the Appropriate Bistro Bergsteiger in its News to Read section. 

You can browse the digital version of the edition here.

Many thanks to Laura Ragazzola for the article.

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke

Ulla Hell spoke to the world-architects |Profiles of Selected Architects magazine about appropriatness in architecture and the process behind the latest project of Plasma Studio - the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger in the Dolomites of Sexten. 


How does the place effect the design? What are the inspirations behind the project?

Find out more questions and answers in the full interview here

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke



The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has  been selected for the  "Architektur Südtirol / bauen + handwerk" 2020/21 edition. 




The journal specializes in publications relating to the world of architecture and construction in South Tyrol and selects innovative and unusual works that reflect contemporary architecture and the people who deal with it.



Many thanks to:
Peter Oberdorfer

Photo credit: Florian Jaenicke


Architecture days 2021 are organized by the South Tyrol Architecture foundation and  are a unique opportunity to discover our territory through buildings that characterize it.

During the appointments distributed in 3 week-ends the participants will hear the story of their origins: architects, clients and craftsmen will present residential houses, restored farms, public and private spaces.




Ulla Hell and Stefan Taschler will make 2 guided tours on landscape, artisanship and architecture in Valle di Casies on September 26, 2022.

Save the date and check the full program of the Architecture Days here.

House L has been published at the ​​​​​​Platform website - click for more.



The web publication adds on to the participation of the House L in the exhibition Best  International  Houses  by Casa Platform (open until 22.08.21) and in a paper edition of the Platform magazine of Best International Houses Design Selection 2021.

Special thanks to Simona Finessi and editors of Platform Architecture and Design.

Photo crediat: Michael Pezzei


We are delighted to share that the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been shortlisted in the 7th edition of the Plan Award,Hospitality Category. 

The Plan Award is organised by the Plan architecture magazine  and aims to promote the knowledge and quality of work in the fields of architecture, design and urban planning.

The winners are evaluated by a competent international jury, but the public can express its preferences by giving votes to the projects for the Community Wish List Special Prize.

You can help us to win! Give your vote here.




Curious about all the categories and finalists of 2021? Click.

Photo credit: Florain Jaenicke


The Walkable Summit Journal & The Time Stone projects, developed by Plasma Studio in collaboration with Frei & Zeit, received a special mention in the category "TOURISM & LANDSCAPE: the project for touristic paysage“ within the "CITY'SCAPE CITY_BRAND & TOURISM LANDSCAPE AWARD 2021", organized by the international magazine PAYSAGE TOPSCAPE. 




We are thrilled and proud to recieve a mention with the following motivation:

"For the proposal of an exciting landscape itinerary as a re-enactment of a local tradition in sense of collective memory for the entire community."​​​​​







To discover more on the award and the magazine click here

Special thanks to the team of the PAYSAGE TOPSCAPE.

Photo credit: Michael Pezzei, Nicole Bettini


Plasma Studio's House L  has been published in PLATFORM magazine of BEST INTERNATIONAL HOUSES DESIGN SELECTION 2021. 

Plasma Studio is also present at the exhibition  BEST INTERNATIONAL HOUSES by Casa Platform, dedicated to the publication and held in the

prestigious setting of Scuola Grande di Ns. Signora di Misericordia until  22.08.21, in conjunction with the 17th International Biennale of Architecture in Venice. 

The exhibition is an overview of living places in the world through the selection of 70 projects chosen by a scientific committee, based on applications from all over the world.

Special thanks to Simona Finessi and editors of Platform Architecture and Design.





House L has become a finalist of the 17th Oderzo Architecture Prize. 

The Prize is an area of research of urban architecture and is aimed to  achieve a better quality of life for urban centers.

Discover the full list of awarded projects  here.

Photo credit:  Michael Pezzei




Ulla Hell, Plasma Studio’s partner, is among 137 female architects participating in the project “Detoxing Architecture from Inequalities: a Plural Act” designed by the association RebeleArchitette for the Italian Pavilion RESILIENT COMMUNITIES  curated by



Alessandro Melis for BIENNALE ARCHITETTURA 2021 Venezia, Italy.  Open until 21.11.2021. 

The installation proposed expresses the need for diversification in the landscape of the interpreters of architecture in Italy and all over the world.

Special thanks to Francesca Perani & Team RebelArchitette for great job to enhance and promote courage in the young female architects.

An article featuring  Plasma Studio's project “The walkable summit journal” has been published in  the international magazine Paysage Topscape. This latest edition has special focus on climate change.




The article speaks about the context of the project - 150 years of alpinism in the Sesto Dolomites - and  pays special attention to sustainability, which the project expresses both in the sense of materiality (installation recieved  a new 




form after dismantling) and culture (creation of  a common memory).      

Special thanks: PAYSAGE editore.

Photo credit. Michael Pezzei 





The House L project  has been just published on art & architecture portal The Tree Mag.

Find the full text here

Photo credit:  Michael Pezzei







An article on Pantografo magazine website starring the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger and speaking about mountain architecture and gastronomic scene.

Discover the full article here.

Photo credits: Florian Jaenicke






The Strata Hotel and the House L projects have been published in the May, 2021 edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung Web Immobilien magazine. The article speaks about respect for nature and innovation in architecture.

Read the full article here. 

Photo credit:  Cristobal Palma, Michael Pezzei








The Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger has been published  on the international web magazine Designboom. 

Check out the full article here.

Photo credits: Florian Jaenicke







The latest project of Plasma Studio, the Appropriate_Bistro Bergsteiger in Sesto /Sexten Dolomites, has been published on The Plan  magazine website. 

Read the full article here.

Photo credits: Florian Jaenicke




The Walkable Summit Journal and the Time Stone  projects were created on the occasion of the 150 Years of Alpine History in the Sesto Dolomites, an initiative of the Sesto Tourist Association.

Click here to watch the video of the event.

In collaboration with: Frei & Zeit

Photo credit:  Michael Pezzei


Six projects of Plasma Studio have been starred in Pantografo MagazineResidence Paramount Alma, Strata Hotel, Dolomitenblick, Cube House, Tetris House and Esker House are cited as protagonists of alpine architecture.

Special thanks to: Francesca Oddo

Photo credits: Hertha Hurnaus, Cristobal Palma

On the occasion of the Italian Interior Design Days, a lecture series by the Italian Trade Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with Heinze back in December 2020 Ulla hold a lecture on the subject of Appropriateness:



Many of the South Tyrolean projects of Plasma Studio are located in scenic but also sensitive locations, often projects in the field of hospitality.




The proposals above all respect the environmental and topographical conditions and often have to subordinate themselves to the forces of nature, but at the same time they have to operate as spaces of experience for visitors.

Click here to see the full lecture

Photo credits: Florian Jaenicke 


The Walkable Summit Journal has been awarded with a Distinction at the Taipei International Design Award 2020, for the category: Public Space Design.

The award, organized by the Taipei City Government, promotes design visions focused on social and environmental sustainability.



In the last issue of  Lama.architekturmagazin, Holger Kehne, partner of Plasma Studio, shares his personal point of view about the role of architecture in relation to the social transformations of our times.



Many thanks to:


Plasma Studio’s project for the fourth floor of Hotel Puerta America has been published on Koloseum Magazin.
The description of the project, which represents an important turning point in Plasma Studio’s history, is enhanced by an interview with the authors.
Click here to read the article on Koloseum Magazin's website.

Many thanks to:
Koloseum Magazin, Jelena Blagojević


The exhibition A thousand View of Rivers and Mountains has opened its doors at the Roca Gallery in Beijing.

The event, curated by PolyMorphArchitects and Plasma Studio, with Chuan Wang (partner of Plasma Studio and founder partner of PolyMorphArchitects), Satoshi Ohashi (Zaha Hadid Architects), Dong Hao (Crossboundaries) and Roberto Bannura (Steven Holl Architects) as lecturers, and Eva Castro (partner of Plasma Studio and co-founder of Formaxioms Lab) as social guest, is part of the project City Reflection Plan.

A thousand View of Rivers and Mountains aims to investigate on how architects analyze and understand a site before designing, focusing on the relationship between human and natural environment.
Taking inspiration from the famous painting of the Song Dinasty, the exhibition aims to depict the three-dimensional space of a specific site through a variety of digital elements derived from different parametric analysis.



These are translated into points, lines, surfaces, colors and other elements and finally transposed in a video that resumes the themes of the research.
As data accumulate and intersect, the scientific method gradually reveals the space.
The analysis of elevations, slopes, catchments, line of sights, allow to create an objective description of the site, that, integrated with personal perceptions and visions, becomes the starting point of the design project.

Click here to watch the video of the exhibition

The exhibition “Negentropic Fields” will open its doors at the National Gallery Singapore on 04.12.2020.

The event, curated by the research lab formAxioms (founded by Plasma Studio’s partner Eva Castro and Federico Ruberto) and INTERMISSION (Yue Han Teow and Urich Lau) and promoted by the National Gallery Singapore and the Singapore Art Museum, is part of the project “Novel Ways of Being”.
The exhibition is accompanied by its online component, the platform, created for the orientation and manipulation of abstract materials.

The project experiments a new, collaborative way of exhibit and it is based on two main components, one, intangible, online, and one physical  at the gallery.

The online platform is an interactive archive working through a block based system expandable via “uploads”, a prototype for creating an online platform for a community of artists, a space on which the work of 5 local artists and 5 couples of international curatorial groups/ artists is host. This online space will also host online performances and roundtables. 

At the Gallery the audience will be able to navigate through a digital, multi-level, interactive experience made of non-linear environments presenting, as they got translated in spatio-temporal manners by the curatorial team, the concepts developed by 5 selected artists.

Design credits: currencydesign

Technical development plot and immersive environments: IRL

Schäfer Roofscape is winner project for “In/Arch Architecture Award 2020” in the category: “building renovation” for the section Trento and Bolzano.



The project has been considered as an exemplary case of renovation of an existing building and good practice in the interaction among client, architect and and contractors.
Thanks to this success, Schäfer Roofscape is nominated for the national award. 


Click here to discover the project and the other winners on the website of the award.

Special thanks to:
fam. Schäfer
Zingerle Bonifaz GmbH

Photo credits: Michael Pezzei

Continuous Extension, The Walkable Summit Journal and House L are winner projects for BigSEE Awards 2020.

The projects have been awarded respectively in the categories: Public and commercial architecture, Landscape and urban space, Residential architecture.

Click here to discover the awarded projects on BigSEE website.  

The Exhibition: “New Tradition. At a table with architecture and art from South Tyrol” will be hosted by Bastionul Theresia in Timișoara from 18.10.2020 to 06.11.2020.



The exhibition collects a selection of architecture projects and art works from South Tyrol, and it aims to introduce visitors to the many faceted cultural scene of the region.
Plasma Studio is present with Strata Hotel.


Many thanks to:

Beta Architecture
Südtiroler Künstlerbund
David Calas
Lisa Trockner
Alexander Zoeggeler

Plasma Studio’s projects Strata, Paramount Alma and Continuous Extension have been published on Isplora website.


The article tells the evolutionary process of the buildings identifying the subsequent variations in the relationship among architecture, time and landscape.


Click here to read the full article on Isplora website.

Many thanks to: 

On 02.09.2020 Plasma Studio’s partner Eva Castro has given the lecture: “Practice: Fields of Operation/Procedural Fields/Plotting Fields”.
The talk has been organized by the Melbourn School of Design and hosted 

by Donald Bates. The lecture has been an occasion to talk about Eva Castro’s recurrent interests, defined through her practical and academic experiences.


Click here to watch the video of the lecture.

Special thanks to:
Melbourn School of Design
Donald Bates

House L has been published on The Plan n. 124.
The story of the project is presented through photos, drawings, details and a text written by Caterina Testa.  

Click here to read the article on The Plan website.

Many thanks to:
The Plan, Caterina Testa

PHOTO CREDIT Michael Pezzei

The exhibition “Best Italian Exhibition Design Selection” will be hosted by the Gallery of the ADI Design Museum from 30.09.2020 to 10.10.2020, as part of the event: “Milano Re-Design City week”.

Plasma Studio is present with The Walkable Summit Journal, installation created in 2019 to celebrate the 150th anniversary since the first ascents in the mountains of Sesto and the 10th year since the inclusion of Dolomites in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.



Plasma Studio’s project Flowing Gardens, built in Xi’an in occasion of the International Horticultural Expo, has been published on the web magazine Landscape First.

Click here to read the full article on Landscape First website.

House L and House H are part of the publication: “Single-family houses in Switzerland & Austria", edited by Chris van Uffelen and published by Braun Publishing.


The book shows how architects in the Alpine region constantly redefine the relationship between contemporary design and regional building traditions.

Thank You for the inclusion!
Chris van Uffelen
Braun Publishing

Plasma Studio’s projects Flowing Gardens, Xi’an Eco Restaurant, Paramount Alma, Schäfer Roofscape and House H have recently been published on the international web magazine designboom.
Click here to read the full articles written by Kat Barandy and Nate Archer on designboom website 

PHOTO CREDIT Xia Zhi, Hertha Hurnaus, Michael Pezzei, Holger Kehne

On 30.07.2020 Eva Castro, partner of Plasma Studio, has been interviewed by Miguel Jurado, in a conversation organized by DArA (Diseñadores Asociados de la República Argentina).

The interview has been the occasion to talk about her training, her professional and academic activity and her plans for the future.

Click here to watch the full interview on DArA’s Instagram profile
Click here to read the article by Miguel Jurado




Plasma Studio's projects The Walkable Summit Journal and House L have been inserted in the publication "architektur südtirol 2019/20 - bauen + handwerk", that collects the best projects completed in South Tyrol last year.


Many thanks to:
Peter Oberdorfer

PHOTO CREDIT Michael Pezzei




House L has been published on "Dolomiten"- Spezial: "Bauen". 

The project is presented together with other innovative buildings recently completed in South Tyrol. 

Special thanks to:
Monika Knoll

PHOTO CREDIT Michael Pezzei

House L has been published on dwell website.

The story of the project is told through an interview to Plasma Studio's partner Ulla Hell. 

Click here to read the full article on dwell website.


Special thanks to:
Lucy Wang

PHOTO CREDIT Michael Pezzei

20 years of Plasma Studio and the Exhibition ReAction at the Südtiroler Künstlerbund:
we finally managed to bring together a big part of our projects of all scales. 

If you want to have a look, if you want to read the introduction written by Francesca Oddo, if you want to read passages written by Christopher Hight, Douglas Spencer and Holger Kehne -  let us know!
We will send you a copy for a small fee.

Südtiroler Künstlerbund in Bolzano hosted Plasma Studio with the exhibition ReAction from 13.12.2019 to 17.01.2020.

ReAction has been the occasion to collect and present projects from the early beginning till today: a trip through 20 years of Plasma Studio’s works.


Within the existing space of the gallery, made of columns and vaulted ceilings, Plasma Studio has created a new space: a new layer of meaning in dialogue with the existing.

Considering fixed elements in the geometry of the existing space -the vaults- and connecting them with bundles of elastic wires, the installation explored possible spatial connections drawing alternative scenarios and representing the systemic transdisciplinary approach of Plasma Studio.

Within this space both the combination of existing and new spatial scenario and the presentation of the projects divided in Large, Medium and Small scale, have been presented through informative panels, models, video projections and publications.

The inauguration ceremony has been enriched with an introductory speech by the journalist Francesca Oddo.

“Viaggio nell'architettura italiana del 3o millennio” di Michele Costanzo, Edizioni Efesto

Plasma Studio is part of this journey through Italy.

The chapter on Plasma Studio is a summary on the studio's work in South Tyrol, focusing on the Strata Hotel and Paramount Alma.

Thank You for the inclusion!
Edizioni Efesto

PHOTO CREDIT Cristobal Palma | Hertha Hurnaus

Paramount Alma and Continuous Extension have been published in the volume “Hohe Häuser: Vom Glück, in den Bergen zu Wohnen”. The article appreciates that Plasma Studio has introduced a new chapter in the architectural tradition in the Alps.


Special thanks to:
Maria Seifert, Wolfram Putz, Peter Feierabend


Plasma Studio's projects House H, Dolomitenblick, Strata-Paramount Alma-Continuous Extension and Esker House have been published in Architekturführer Südtirol volume written by Karin Kretschmer and published by DOM publishers.

House H_The idea of the project was developed starting from the restrictions imposed by legislation, such as  minimized building surface and the requirement of a pitched roof parallel to the slope. 




Dolomitenblick_A formal incision marks the main access and the division of the units, splitting the main volume in two halves. This incision becomes the defining element of the building.




Strata-Paramount Alma-Continuous Extension_ Strata Hotel was completed in 2007: a subtle volume of horizontal wooden larch sticks that peel off the building, run over it, and seem to grow out of the surrounding topography.In 2014, to the neighbouring Residence Alma, a guesthouse built in the 1960s, got rid of an underused pitched roof, a previously non-existent vertical circulation and the dwelling for the host family were added.In 2018, the building was again extended by 9 generous suites for family vacations and communal areas.


Esker House_ The project is formed by a series of steel and timber frames that deform to recreate the smooth hillsides of the surrounding dolomites.

Plasma Studio's project “The walkable summit journal” has been published in PLATFORM magazine of BEST ITALIAN EXHIBITION DESIGN SELECTION 2019. 
Plasma Studio is also present from 10th to 18th October at the Casa dell’Architettura of Rome in the exhibition for the publication in PLATFORM, BEST ITALIAN EXHIBITION DESIGN.
Special thanks to Simona Finessi and Angelo Dadda, editors of Platform Architecture and Design.
And to:
Nicole Bettini
Arno Dejaco
Gravur Design - Stoll Daniel
Inox Design
Tom Felder Erlacher
Franz-Josef Erlacher
Tom Wayne
Sexten Sesto
Bauunternehmen Villgrater Georg
Markus Summerer
Andreas Erlacher
Walter Amort
Metallbau Weitlaner
PHOTO CREDIT Michael Pezzei | Harald Wisthaler


With editorial written by IVANO DIONIGI,


Further details here.


Plasma Studio is glad to announce that the project “Continuous Extension” 
has received the First Award for Global Architecture & Design Awards 2019
for the Category Hospitality (Built)

One of the most iconic projects of Plasma Studio, Hotel Puerta America, is not only part of the exhibition Mobilieur d’Architecture at the Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine, Paris from May 29 to 30 September, but it is also published on the Mobilieur d’Architects 1960-2020 collection. 

Plasma Studio with GroundLab has been published in the volume ‘’100 green SPACES’’ curated by Rosa Schaberl , with the chinese Exhibition Garden Sunken Garden.

As one of the designer gardens of 2013 Beijing Horticultural Exposition, Sunken Garden is located in Fengtai Region of Beijing. The concept of working with a sunken ground comes from a mission of fabricating an experience both intimate and intense combined with a strong feeling of harmony with the environment and intimate contemplation.


Plasma Studio's projects Dolomitenblick  and Schäfer Roofscape have been published in the Apartment Buildings volume.

Dolomitenblick is located on a hillside in the Dolomites, at the edge of a residential area. The building hosts six generous holiday homes, all directed to catch the southern sun and the panoramic view of the Dolomites. The material palette was reduced to a very local code: larch wood and pre-oxidized copper. 

Schäfer Roofscape is located in the medieval centre of San Candido/Innichen. Schäfer Roofscape is a newly-completed restoration and conversion of a historical building. The first three storeys house a department store while the upper three storeys serve as four large, independent apartments within the formerly underused attic space.

My Bauhaus - 100 architects celebrate 100 years of Bauhaus. Ed. by Hofmeister, Sandra

Plasma studio is proud to be part of this special edition of DETAIL and honours the anniversary with a text and a collage realized from the partner Holger Kehne.

From Holger Kehne's article Creative backbone for the future:

"The Bauhaus, as the foremost incubator and synonym of Modernism transformed the world structurally and aesthetically in all-encompassing and ubiquitous ways, shaping the very structures and processes of social interaction, business, production and knowledge.  Despite the emergence of the 'Post-Fordist network society', this Modernist structure is still underpinning our world today.

Yet because we have grown weary of the pure and honest representations of those relentless patterns of repetition, elements and determinations, they have become concealed beneath veneers of interface and signification. This deception is inadequate and in need to be absolved but any real new order and language will have to absorb and sublimate this Modernist system.

To look beyond the seemingly coherent brand of the Bauhaus and its icons and see the manifold, tense and often contradictory strands of thinking and working, understanding the Bauhaus as a transient laboratory, shifting from organism to machine, offers a trajectory that when inverted could turn modularity and repetition (back) into coherence and unity.

By creatively mediating between fundamental dialectical positions, the processes and structures employed at the Bauhaus 100 years ago offer a perspective and a creative backbone to the social and technological transformation of our world ahead." 

Plasma Studio's work is showcased in the Volume 02   "150 Approaches to Austrian Architecture-architektur in progress 1997-2017" of HERZ BLUT.

The richly illustrated double volume with texts in German and English, designed by Studio VIE, was published at the end of January by Verlag für moderne Kunst.

"architektur in progress started at the end of 1997 to offer a platform for the incredible variety of exciting architects and teams who increasingly started their own business in Austria from the 1990s onwards.From this, a series of lectures has developed whose continuity reflects a broad cross-section of the architecture of the past 20 years in and around Austria - but much more places those personalities in the foreground, whose attitudes and points of view are essential to contemporary building culture and shape. These people, and not so much their projects, are the focus of architektur in progress as well as the publication HERZ BLUT. In over 150 interviews, we learn more about their commitment, their heart projects, what is important to them personally and what they are fighting for."


Plasma Studio's project Continuous Extension_Paramount Alma _Strata has been published in PLATFORM magazine of BEST ITALIAN INTERIOR DESIGN SELECTION 2018.

Plasma Studio will also be present with the project Continuous Extension_Paramount Alma _Strata from 2 to 9 June at the Exhibition Room of the Chamber of Commerce of Carrara for the exhibition for the publication in PLATFORM magazine.




Plasma Studio's work is showcased in the 15th and most recent volume of IT Revolution: Architecture Book Series, tittled "Plasma Works".

After collaborating for an exhibition in 2009, editor Antonino Saggio invited Plasma Studio to become the latest subjects of his pretigious book series, joining the likes of UNStudio, Zaha Hadid, Diller+Scofidio, and Peter Eisenman.

From the back cover: "Plasma Studio is an example of how digital experimentation has become an important weapon for design and research nowadays. A model of operation that allows emergent groups to achive rapid recognition, and secure prestigious projects at an international level. This [15th] volume in the series, draws with great precision the manifold aspects of the studio's work, relating the cultural legacy to landform, parametrics, and to the studio's organisation itself. The book's author [Elizabeth Maria Bonafede] provides the reader with a complete, comprehensive essay on this international architecture office."

The Italian version of the book is already released, published by Edil Stampa.


Plasma Studio's partner Eva Castro, besides Alfredo Ramirez, Eduardo Rico and Douglas Spencer are launching their lastest and anticipated editorial collaboration, "Critical Territories".

The book will be available for the first time TODAY at the Architectural Association's bookshop in London, UK, followed shortly by other bookshops worldwide. If you happen to be in the English capital, please do come tonight to the launching, Wednesday 18th June 2014, 6.30pm at the AA Bookshop, 32 Bedford Square, WC1B 3ES.

Stay tuned for the next launch parties that are being programmed. We don't want to miss the chance to meet with you in person.

From the official press release:

Critical Territories records the current state of our practice, theory and teaching of Landscape Urbanism and its development in recent years. It describes the phases and processes through which we have arrived at a distinctive model of Landscape Urbanism and the movement, from academia to praxis, through which this has been achieved. To this end, Critical Territories opens with a series of contributions to the ongoing development of our theoretical perspectives before turning to elaborate, from within the academic framework of the Architectural Association, the work of our students and the agendas they have engaged with in Mexico, Sri Lanka, Dubai and China and the intensive workshops with which they have been involved in Europe. It then turns, finally, to the projects produced and realised by the Landscape Urbanist practice Groundlab, whose work both puts into practice our model of Landscape Urbanism and offers an opportunity to reflect upon its further development.

CRITICAL TERRITORIES: From Academia to Praxis // Edited by Eva Castro, Alfredo Ramirez, Eduardo Rico and Douglas Spencer // ISBN-10: 8895623371 // ISBN-13: 978-8895623375


With editorial written by Steven Holl, The Plan's latest issue reviews Plasma Studio work among the likes of Farshid Moussavi and Massimiliano Fuksas.

Plasma Studio was founded in London by Eva Castro and Holger Kehne in 1999. In 2002, they were joined by Ulla Hell. [...] Plasma comes from the Greek word to shape or mould. I think there could be no better way of expressing Plasma’s optimistic, proactive attitude to form yet at the same time acknowledge their organic approach and environmental sensitivity. The group’s work can be summed up in five objectives. First, to break down established confines, especially between public and private space. If volumes can be moulded, then the separation between inside and out is no more; the divide between an individual building and urban space is swept away. Which in turn leads to innovative forms of social aggregation and new ways of organising collective space by better use of residual, in-between spaces or by rethinking concepts like threshold, limit and boundary.

Further details here.


Plasma Studio is on the cover of Abitare's issue, with 160 pages of stories, designs, ideas and visions.

The magazine offers an account of the exciting ideas coming from the world of architecture and design through one key element: light.

A highly symbolic, emotionally charged concept that helps us to understand the energies and new ideas emerging.




More information here.



"'This Is Not a House' presents the latest built residential projects by such design luminaries as Sou Fujimoto, Plasma Studio, and Michael Maltzan, as well as emerging ones such as Johan Selbing, among others, in an array of locations across the globe, including New York, London, Los Angeles, and Tokyo."

The 272 pages book, published in October 2015, by Rizzoli was written by The Editors of Mark and Dan Rubinstein.

It can be purchased here.

Here what to expect:

This Is Not a House takes a close look at spaces that reformulate the idea of what 'home' means, in innovative houses in cities around the globe. This Is Not a House showcases recent projects that represent the vanguard of architects creating innovative spaces for living in the twenty-first century. Dan Rubinstein and the editors of the Amsterdam-based magazine have selected projects on five continents that will shape how we think of domestic life for a long time to come. Where the great experimenters of the last century were stripping away ornamentation and creating free-flowing spaces for the first time, today’s pioneers are researching the potential of new materials and techniques to push the boundaries of environmental sustainability, as well as creating new forms and bold, sophisticated explorations in the adaptive reuse of spaces originally designed for any number of other purposes.


The Bavarian Television has dedicated a four-part architectural series to modern mountain construction and shows innovative residential, commercial and infrastructure buildings "without ruffles and carvings".

Plasma Studio's partner Ulla Hell is in the Südtirol episode.

More information here.


Plasma Studio's partners Ulla Hell and Holger Kehne talk about Plasma Studio.

The video-interview was made by A+D+M TV



More information here.

Plasma Studio's partner Ulla Hell talks about the use of copper in current architecture.

The video-interview was made by Copper Italian Institute at the Triennale di Milano, during the exhibition "Trame".

More information here.

Plasma Studio's partner Eva Castro talks in Architecture & Light interview.

In Philips' constant efforts to understand the need of their customers to create meaningful innovations that are relevant and sustainable, Philips Lighting spoke to distinguished architects and industry leaders at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) 2012 in Singapore.

More information here.

Plasma Studio's partners Ulla Hell and Holger Kehne talk about Plasma Studio.

The video-interview was made for PLATFORM TV



 More information here.